In my studies of Messianic Judaism and the early Apostolic Church, I came across a daily devotional that I felt compelled to share ( in light of worldly conditions ). Allow me to share an expounded version of that devotional.
Today's Mission
Dedicate this day to God and His will for you today before you do anything else. Set a good and solid foundation upon which we can build.
.............. REV. 2:4
The first act of the American Government took place in 1789. President George Washington, The House of Representatives, AND The Senate ( imagine if all three gov't components were able to work together once again! ), were together for the inauguration of the President. After he made his speech, they ALL proceeded to a church, went inside, prayed, and committed America into God's hands.
The first initial act of the American Government was to Pray. That same day, Washington gave a warning that If America departed from God, it would lose the blessings and favor of God !
Please pray for America. It's easy for a nation to forget it's foundation when Prayer, Bibles, and Monuments to our faith are banned. When we talk about the nation and say, how America has departed from it's roots - But, what about you?, ... What about The Church of our Messiah?, Have we gone astray from our first love, Prayer, the God-Given word, our entire Faith Foundation? It's easy to do. ( That should tell us something right there, ... Easy to Do!, ... we know that being a good Christian is anything but easy, ....but more fulfilling than we c an imagine.)
We desperately need to get back to our FOUNDATION, because everything else in our lives will only be as good and strong as the foundation upon which it rests.
Like America, we need to get back to our foundation in God. That my friends is where our blessings lie. That my friends is how we can collectively ' Shine Brighter for Christ ' and draw our lost sheep into the fold of Christianity.
May the Love of Messiah reside in your hearts and guide you through Holy Discernship Today
and every day!
In His Holy Name