Partner Churches and Ministries
Reflecting on our Ministry Vision Statement, the following list and links are just a few of the Bible Based Churches and Ministries ( both Messianic Jewish & Christian ) with whom we are very blessed to Fellowship with, to the Glorification of Adonai / God and His " Gods Greater Church ". We pray to always , highlight and advance Christian Fellowship as it pertains to God's ultimate Christ-Centered redemption and salvation plan. The following Churches and Ministries are indeed Christ Centered and Family Oriented in their Kingdom Advancement plans and missions. Please take time to visit their individual website links below.
* Advent Christian Church of South Eliot Maine , ... ' known locally as The Church on the River'. Church on the River
(I am blessed to say that this is the 'Home Church' of my dear Family. Having the opportunity
to on occasion fill in for our Sr. Pastor, Charles (Charlie) Downes has afforded the the Fulfilling feeling as a true Fisher of Men, as the church pulpit is actually the hull of an old wooden fishing boat,..
all while looking out at my brothers and sisters, with the pristine backdrop of Piscataqua River)
Truly ! ,.... Pastor Charlie is a Disciple Maker whom has extended to us the fact that
we are all,......... Fishers of Men !
* Billy Graham Evangelistic Association , ................................. Billy Graham
I don't believe most of you need an introduction to the Bible Based evangelistic work
of BGEA. We are blessed to be a Southern Maine BGEA Partner ! You may recall,
or even be one of the seventeen Churches who joined us as we adorned this National Prayer
Rally ( DECISION AMERICA TOUR 2016 ) with a 'Caravan for Christ', which was a
pilgrimage from Kittery to the Rally in Augusta. Along with Franklin Graham, it is our continued Prayer that the Father will further continue to help us to elect 'God Fearing' men and women to governmental positions both municipally and federally. ( 2 Chron. 7:14 )
* First Christian Church of Kittery Point , ........................................ FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH
Another Bible Based Church, a bit east of Kittery. A church which has played a large role
in my personal ministerial journey. Aside from being honored to serve as Deacon/Trustee, then
Elder of Outreach, I was blessed even deeper as I was blessed to serve as Youth Minister
alongside my personal 'Mentor'... Reverend Dr. Wilbert D. Gough, whom at the time served as
Interim Senior Church Pastor. ( an experience valued more than any Seminary course taken )
After an exhaustive search for a settled permanent Pastor, this wonderful CCCC denomination
community Church was very Blessed with a resounding welcome to the unanimous and God
chosen Church Pastor , ...... Reverend Greg Lull. Our ministry is honored to continue our
exciting Fellowship endeavors such as 'Shofar Night'.
( as a note, First Christian and 7 yr. old Dot Ryan are the 2018 recipients of our Football,
Faith and Fellowship fantasy Football Inter-Church Trophy ! )
Rally ( DECISION AMERICA TOUR 2016 ) with a 'Caravan for Christ', which was a
pilgrimage from Kittery to the Rally in Augusta. Along with Franklin Graham, it is our continued Prayer that the Father will further continue to help us to elect 'God Fearing' men and women to governmental positions both municipally and federally. ( 2 Chron. 7:14 )
* First Christian Church of Kittery Point , ........................................ FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH
Another Bible Based Church, a bit east of Kittery. A church which has played a large role
in my personal ministerial journey. Aside from being honored to serve as Deacon/Trustee, then
Elder of Outreach, I was blessed even deeper as I was blessed to serve as Youth Minister
alongside my personal 'Mentor'... Reverend Dr. Wilbert D. Gough, whom at the time served as
Interim Senior Church Pastor. ( an experience valued more than any Seminary course taken )
After an exhaustive search for a settled permanent Pastor, this wonderful CCCC denomination
community Church was very Blessed with a resounding welcome to the unanimous and God
chosen Church Pastor , ...... Reverend Greg Lull. Our ministry is honored to continue our
exciting Fellowship endeavors such as 'Shofar Night'.
( as a note, First Christian and 7 yr. old Dot Ryan are the 2018 recipients of our Football,
Faith and Fellowship fantasy Football Inter-Church Trophy ! )
* Messiah Christian Church, Wells, Maine ...................................... Messiah Christian Church
Sha'ar Hashamayim ... ( The Messianic Congregation ) Stoughton, MA
The Messianic Congregation
Sha'ar Hashamayim ... ( The Messianic Congregation ) Stoughton, MA
The Messianic Congregation
The purpose for the existence of Messianic Congregation Sha'ar Hashamayim is to provide a place in the South Shore of Boston for Jewish and Gentile believers in Yeshua to worship, grow in their faith, experience fellowship with people of like mind, study His word and to reach out to our Jewish community with the message of hope and salvation through their Jewish Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus). We also desire to educate the church body at large so that they might see the need to understand their Old Testament prophetic roots. This we will do by teaching them the Jewish nature of the Gospel. Romans 11:17-22
Henry M. Morse is an ordained Messianic Rabbi with a degree in Bible and Theology from Central Bible College in Springfield, MO. He has been in full time ministry for over thirty years; serving as youth minister, evangelist, missionary and congregational leader. Henry has ministered in over twenty countries and forty-five states. Currently, Henry lives in Stoughton, MA, with his wife Cherri, and has five children, six granddaughters, and two grandsons.
Please excuse the fact that this page is under construction. Our remaining partners should be finalized by next week. ..blessings!
Messianic Rabbi, Mitch Forman
Seacoast Community Church
Pastor, Steven Hankins Th.D.
Right Hand Shade !
A 'Next Generation Worship Band'
an east-coast worship band
from venues such as SoulFest & United In Messiah
Kehila Portland, Messianic Synagogue
( Portland, ME / ME's 1st & Only Messianic Synagogue ) Messianic Messianic Rabbi, Stephen Luft
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