Friday, September 21, 2018

Alert ! ,... 'United in Messiah' conference follow-up !

Shalom and Blessings in the Holy name of Yeshua / Jesus !

What a day at the United in Messiah Conference !

Beloved !,  Thank You for taking part in what may well be an 'historical' day in Kingdom History,
                   as believing Jews & Christians gathered to Worship together and to begin the dialogue
                  necessary to UNITING as ONE NEW MAN !

 Together WE Burned Brighter for Yeshua / Jesus !

Friends ! ,     We have SO much to share from this glorious G_d Centered Day. Though, I must
                       ask you to bear with me as ( with Him as our sufficiency ), our family prays through
                      an 'obstacle' in our journey to evangelize our Kingdom Unification efforts.

Our family was 'blessed' with my dear daughter's first baby ! ' It's A Girl ! ,..... PRAISE ADONAI !
Very early Monday AM, Addison-Mae entered our Lord's Kingdom at 8 lbs. 8 oz, and 20 '' long.
I lobbied diligently for the name Esther , ..... but 'no go' !

On Tuesday, Meagan (daughter) developed hemorrhaging, which the Doctors were able to bring into control. ( Praising Him Again ! ). From Tue. thru Weds. our baby Addison developed
concerning belabored breathing issues. Consequently, both Meagan & Addison have been transferred to Maine Medical Center for further specialized care.
As of this morning, my daughter is beginning to feel much better, and baby Addison seems to be on her way to recovery also.    ' Indeed !,.... ' OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD '. 
Click on Video for what should have been the opening song for our conference

Begging Your Patience !

As we forge forward with the Patience and Spirit of Adonai / God to put this obstacle behind us, we ask that you ' Keep The Fire of Unity & Evangelism Burning ' for another day or so, until we can share a conference Follow-Up post (within 48 hrs).
We learned much, we grew much, we shared much !  We've lit the Fire of Evangelism for REVIVAL of the Early Apostolic Church. MUCH, is already 'in the works. PLEASE CHECK

The Lord bless you and keep you;

the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;

the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace !

                                                                                                             The Aaronic Blessing

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Roots of Our Faith !

It is The Root, that Feeds the Branches !

As we very eagerly await our upcoming REVIVAL of the Jewish and Christian Brotherhood of the Early Church, we though it appropriate to share this great newsletter from our dear friends at TLV Bible Society

As you 'may' know, after our upcoming REVIVAL event, we plan to establish a Hebraic Roots Inter-Church Bible Study here on the seacoast. It is our hope to include TLV learning resources as we move forward with this KINGDOM PLAN unification of Jew and Christian.

As a note of interest, Messianic Rabbi Henry Morse of Sha'ar Hashamayim in Stoughton, MA , and Rabbbi Mitch Forman of Chosen People Ministries have expressed a strong interest in becoming very involved with our upcoming Inter-Church and Synagogue Messianic Bible Studies. 
Please contact us if you or your Church would like additional information on this Glorification of G_d's Kingdom Plan.

Enjoy the following message from TLV


Shalom, Rev. William!

The time is nigh! We are in our last few readings of Deuteronomy! The time to roll back the scroll is drawing near - let's finish things well! Parsha Nitzavim is found in Deuteronomy 29:10 - 30:20. Additionally, with Yom Teruah-Rosh Hashanah coming up in just a few days, we read the Story of Isaac: the Akedah, in Genesis 22. So! Join the journey of Israel as we follow ADONAI together!
We hope you enjoy our TLV Resource eNewsletter, and remember to virtually join us for Shabbat every Friday night on Facebook Live! *Free resource below!

"Keep It Simple, Sweetie"

by Daniah Greenberg, Founder

Daniah writes, "Following God is not impossible, or strenuous or guilt laden – disobedience is. If you could sum up all the goal of the Torah as obedience to God, where does disobedience come from? Here is a fantastic clue in this week’s reading, in Deuteronomy 29:28...

Fall Feast Recipe E-Book

$5 Donation

Complete your High Holy Day table with these beautiful recipes from the Greenberg kitchens! With recipes, menus, and shopping lists, this digital download will make your Fall Feast season a delight. (It even includes a recipe for #BrittniBread!)
Click to Order!

Sound the Shofar! ...but...why?

by Rabbi Eric Tokajer
Rabbi Eric writes, "In a few days, we will be celebrating the Feast of Trumpets and Jews along with a growing number of Christians will gather together to observe this Biblical Holy Day. There will be special services and time devoted to repentance and introspection, but the focal point of the day will be when the shofar is sounded."

TLV Talk #51: Nitzavim

with Rabbi Mark & Joseph Greenberg
Join Rabbi Mark & his son, Joseph, as they review this week's Torah Reading:
Nitzavim: Deuteronomy 29:10 - 30:20
Watch Now!

What's Biblical? Yom Teruah or Rosh Hashanah?

by Mandie Greenberg Cook, Theology Intern
Mandie writes, "The Jewish High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippurare coming up in the next few weeks. But if you were to look up them up in the Bible, you won’t find "Rosh Hashanah"anywhere.

Weekly Torah Portion

The traditional Jewish Scripture reading for each week is now available on our website! It ties together the Torah, the Haftorah (Prophets and Writings), and the New Covenant! Praise Yeshua!

TLV Treasures Bible Lessons: Fall Feasts

$50 Donation

Get this 4-part Bible Lesson pack with a lesson for each member of the family about the each of the upcoming Feasts!
Order Now!

The Gospel through Acts with Dr. Jeff Seif

Week #48 - Acts 16:15-24

This week Dr. Jeffrey Seif spends a few minutes from his home office talking about the Gospel through the Book of Acts with you! Make sure to tune in!

Watch Now!


TLV Verse of the Day

Website Widget

Do you want the TLV verse of the day on your website? Well now you can have it! Click below to get your very own customized widget completely embeddable into any website!
Get Widget!

Upcoming TLV Events & Biblical Holidays

  • Rosh Hashannah/Yom Teruah: September 9-11, 2018
  • Yom Kippur: September 18-19, 2018
  • 2018 TLV Israel Tour: October 10th-19th, 2018
  • MLR Conference: November 12-16, 2018

Saturday, September 1, 2018


Shalom Dear Family !

As most of you may be aware, we are honored & blessed to have Chosen People Ministries' ' Mitch Forman ' as a headline speaker at our upcoming 'United In Messiah' Revival Rally on Sept. 15th.  (see link to the right for details).

Please take a moment to review Chosen Peoples recent post of ' Remnant ' edification. We pray you will join us for a momentous day of KINGDOM UNIFICATION within God's Greater Church, Sept. 15th 10 AM - 8 PM at Stratham Cooperative Middle School, Stratham NH.  blessings!

The future is as bright as the promises of God!
Dear William,
I wanted to share some of my thoughts with you, as I know you love the Jewish people and support our ministries that bring the message of Messiah Jesus to Israelis and Jewish people throughout the world! It is important to remember that we serve an unchanging God who is a promise maker and a promise keeper.

Our vision for the future is built upon His faithfulness and on the success of the past! Our ministry rests upon four foundational pillars that have not changed since the day Rabbi Leopold Cohn began Chosen People Ministries in 1894:


“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

“For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received,
that Christ died for our 
sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.” 
(1 Corinthians 15:3-4)

“For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” 
(Hebrews 4:12)

“In the same way then, there has also come to be at the present time
a remnant according to God’s gracious choice.”
(Romans 11:5)

So what does God want us to do in light of the glorious tomorrow He has prepared for the Jewish people? I have been charged by the board of Chosen People Ministries to help our staff fulfill our mission statement:

Chosen People Ministries exists to pray for, evangelize, disciple, and serve the Jewish people and to help others do the same.

We accomplish this by:
  • Planting congregations
  • Establishing Messianic centers
  • Backpacking ministry
  • And our web-based Isaiah 53 campaigns
Our outreach to Israelis through our web-based Isaiah 53 campaign is bearing great fruit. Hundreds of Israelis are asking for the Isaiah 53 Explained book in Hebrew, and we are spending $200 per day for the ads on Facebook.

We have ministries in seventeen countries, soon to be eighteen (we will soon add a ministry to traveling Israelis in Brazil!), as by God’s grace we extend the international influence of Chosen People Ministries.

We could not do this without you – our fellow travelers along the way, prayer partners, supporters, and dear friends in the gospel.

If you affirm our goals and direction, then I hope you will pray for us and give generously and faithfully as we serve the Lord among the Jewish people. We are so grateful for your partnership.

Your brother in the Messiah,

Mitch Glaser
P.S. Would you consider donating regularly as part of our Watchmen for Jerusalem automated giving program? For your generous monthly gift of any amount, we will send you a copy of our 2018-2019 Messianic Jewish Art Calendar as an expression of our gratitude.

Become a Watchmen for Jerusalem today by clicking here.