Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Fellowship at Four Tree Island !

Shalom Friends !

This Again, is the Day The Lord has Given us ! And Rejoice we will in Bible Study Fellowship later this evening in Portsmouth Harbor, with our good friend in Christ from Next Level Church , Mark Cable. ( Mark is a member of our inter-church men's breakfast group at First Christian Church of Kittery Point ).

Feel very free to join us this evening,  or to use this Truly Great Idea for your own Home Church.
After all, ...... Growing God's Greater Church, Together, will ALWAYS be our intent. Please Let me share Mark's Ministry Initiative with you:
Many of us here in the Greater York, Maine area have shared their Christian journeys with Mark through the years. ( YES,....Mark is no longer a youngster!,...gotcha ! )
On a personal level, I've known of Mark's Harbor-Side Bible Study idea for some time now. What a novel and simple idea, to share Our God's Messages, in the midst of God's Gift of Grandeur, and Beautiful Blessings. Perhaps a fresh alternative to our Fellowship Hall's and Homes,  certainly not to overlook the impact of our Hall's and Home's.

So we pray this blessing of an idea to Further our Relationships with God and Scripture takes seed this evening. We hope to see some of you this evening despite the Last-Minute ' Notice!
Mark begins tonight at 6:30. Should you desire to come tonight or any future nights, the directions consist simply of going to Portsmouth, N.H. Harbor, find the Pierce Island Bridge and boat ramp, cross the bridge and the first parking lot on your left with the iron-gate entrance is The Four Tree Island Parking Lot. Again, feel free to join us, check back for updates, OR to use this idea at your Church of Choice.

To Him be The Glory !
we are honored to be humble servants to an Awesome God !

In Him!

Brother Mark's , ..... Beauty and Bible Study ! ...


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Bibles and Breakfast !

Shalom Friends,

What a fulfilling  Inter-Church Men's Bible Breakfast we enjoyed this past weekend at First Christian Church of Kittery Point. 
The edification of one another regarding the days topic of " Faith and Prayer ", and their 'tie-in's' was without a doubt shining as a ' Beacon for Christ ! ' , brighter than the multitude of beautiful Maine Coast Lighthouses, AMEN !

Fellowship, Breakfast, and Bible Study was shared at First Christian Church with Strong Faith-Filled brothers from Advent Christian Church, Next Level Church,  Living Water Fellowship,
 Step With Christ Ministries, and our newest friend, Reverend Dr. David Batchelder.                     The morning  provided for fantastic representation of God's Greater Church!,...AMEN,again!

What a Day !!! , ... ( Fancy Nancy Lawson's MANNA CASSEROLE was Outstanding ! ) 
We all indeed " Grew in the Faith, ... and Prayed in God's Will ! ".......HALLELUJIAH !!!
Missed dearly by all were our dear Brother's in Christ, Randy Lawson, Jeff Flowers and Dave Berry to whom we are So sorry for not being able to pick  up in Dovah ! We'll be quite sure to kidnap you next month ! We love ya Brother!

Please feel free to join us next month at First Christian Church. We tentatively plan on examining one of the most conspicuously placed, ' Little But Big! ' prayers in Scripture. The prayer of Jabez !
We typically meet at 8 AM on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Confirm the date by calling First Christian Church of Kittery Point at 207-439-4021 OR call Step With Christ at 207-363-1775.
We pray you might join us next month as we " Lift HIM Up ! ", ... Hallelujiah !!!

Blessings In His Holy Name

Friday, May 6, 2016

National Prayer Day is Every Day !

Dear Brethren and Family in Christ,

As I drove by York Street Baptist Church  yesterday, I happily reflected on their large sign which invited the York community to join them in the evening to reflect on National Prayer Day. I take my hat off to Pastor Paul Burns and the whole congregation for reaching out and making the statement that says 
The Great Commission is NOT The Great Suggestion !  We are proud to occasionally fellowship with this fine Christian family, and wish them continued blessing. After being compelled to pray as a result of this sign. I pondered the trending fact that it appears that nowadays  many government decisions allow for Equality to Trump God's Morality, and I fear this volatile trend could result in the fact that this year may be the last year we are even allowed to advocate for a National Prayer Day. Let us Pray that  Christ intercedes, and this will not occur.

Dear Heavenly Father, .... ( ABBA ), My Life's Sustenance and Holy Provider,

We ask in Christ Jesus that you hear our prayer this day, and that you bless us with the Truth of the fact that every day, should be National Prayer Day.
Father, our hearts ache with the realization that we now live in a world that has with each generation
moved away from your Holy word, and The Way that is your begotten son Jesus. We have allowed sin to dictate our elections of certain men to leading government positions and have lost control of the right to live with Godly morality.
Oh Lord, we ask you to look with loving-kindness upon a world that lies in the power of the Evil One,
and let the ruler of this world be cast out, who has blinded men's minds to Biblical Values.

Loving Father ! , bless us with reflection on Saint Mark's liturgy ( United in Love )

" O' Sovereign and Almighty Lord, bless all your people and all of your flock. Give your peace, 
your help, your love unto us, ... your servants, the sheep of your fold, that we may be united in the bond of Peace and Love with Body and Spirit,
in hope for our calling in your divine and boundless Love."

For if we aspire to retain this blessing in our hearts Dear Father, we may be able to lock arms with our Christian Brothers and " Build a Fire For Christ ! " that might be seen by many of our flock's Lost Sheep !
We Pray Dear Father for your Holy Words seen in Romans 12:2 " Do not conform to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so you may discern what is good, pleasing and perfect will of God."  
Father, ... please bless us with the strength of the Son so we may do your will and reach our lost brothers and sisters.
Help us to not be lacking in diligence, and to be fervent in Spirit and Prayer, so we may better serve our King. Bless us with Zeal and the Contagious Vitality of Your love and guidance for Your service.

And Father, as you know, we are working with your faithful servants at the Billy Graham Organization . The theme of today's prayer seems to lie closely with your son Franklin Graham's 
We ask you bless our initiative, that we might " Burn Brighter for Christ ! ", ,....so that we may be the beacon of light needed to magnify our Call To Prayer that mankind will see the dire need for men and women with Biblical Values to assume leading roles in our country's government.

Dear Father, we pray with Holy Spirit Power,..that if You hear our prayer, and heal our land, that we may journey toward the days when our leaders' Moral Compass' were founded in Biblical Values once again! .......Oh!, how very quickly we elected leaders who have forgotten the Faith in which our nation was founded and fought for!
So shortly ago, our 41st President George H.W. Bush PRAYED in his Inaugural Address of 1989',
" For we are given God's Holy Spirit Power NOT to advance our own purposes, Nor to make a great show in the world, Nor a name. There is but one use of power, and that is to serve one another.
Help us remember this Lord!.
The Lord our God be with us, as He was with our Fathers; May He not leave us nor forsake us;
So that He may incline our hearts to Him, to walk in all His ways, that all peoples of this earth may know that THE LORD Is GOD; THERE IS NO OTHER."

Our 39th President, Jimmy Carter PRAYED,  " I will call upon the people of our nation to give Thanks on this day for the for the Blessings Almighty  God has bestowed upon us, and, to join the Fervent Prayer of George Washington who as our First President asked  for God to impart All Blessings to 'His'  Greater and United Family of God."  
So, King Jesus, ... we pray you petition the Father with our prayers that our future never be lacking in diligence, and to be fervent always in Holy Spirit driven Service to God and neighbor, with Zeal and the contagious vitality of  The Father's Love.

Our Nation and World are in trouble, Lord. You alone King Jesus, our Loving Messiah, are our only hope!  We know the Truth of the fact that No One Man, No Political Party, is the answer to mankind's self inflicted wounds. There is only Hope of You through Your Good News!

In effort to begin to close this lengthy Prayer Lord, we again ask for Your Providence and Blessing in our effort to unite Southern Maine Churches for the DECISION 2016 Franklin Graham Prayer Rally.
We are in Prayer that  we might be used in any small way to bring Your Light to attention. We pray our effort will bear Your Fruit and incite Holy Spirit Prayers that will yield the FRUIT of REVIVAL
Finally Father, we ask your blessing and divine guidance for the exciting continuance of Bible Based Ministry in the Kittery Point Baptist Church building which dates back to the 1700's with stalwart Christians worshiping Your Good News ever since.
It would seem you have divinely chosen our Faithful Brothers and Sisters at Bethany Church to continue this long standing Ministry of Life in Christ in Kittery Point. May they bring the same contagious and vibrant Love For Christ, that they so gladly and effectively did with their Churches in New Hampshire.

So, Father!, ....as you know we say in our own home, " help us Always to live in the Joy that is Life IN,  WITH, FOR, and THROUGH Jesus, our Messiah!".  Help us to always remember that life in Christ provides light to the darkness of the world.
Bless us with meaningful lives with regard to the enhancement of Your Kingdom Process and to our fellow human beings. May we Forever maintain our Zeal to " Pitch Our Tent With Elohim ! ".

Every Day is National Prayer Day O' Lord !  We are ever so grateful and graced by Your Prophesied Calvary Love Sacrifice. Help us to always aspire to be worthy of Your Boundless Love.
We Pray these things in Yeshua, Jesus !,...................................... AMEN.