Our Partner in Christ, Franklin Graham, has forwarded a Maine Prayer Rally Update. please also know, we are prepared to visit any Church or Small Group who may be in need of a 10 minute Initiative presentation, either Step With Christ Ministries or, Pastor Ron Witham wth BGEA.
We are very willing to visit your Church or Small Group to share a Short Video from Franklin,
and to share Prayer Cards, Brochures, etc., and to answer any question's you may have. Our contact info. is on our Home Page.
Additionally, if you use FaceBook, DECISION AMERICA does have an active site of Mainer's headed by Mr. Steve Doyle, also from BGEA.
ABOVE IS a SHORT Graham Video, Enjoy !
Let's make a Difference !
ABOVE IS a SHORT Graham Video, Enjoy !
Let's make a Difference !
A Message From Franklin Graham |
Dear Friend, Earlier this week and last week, thousands of people joined me live on Facebook to pray for America before the opening of the Republican and Democratic conventions. I thank God for this growing movement of prayer for our nation. You can follow me on Facebook and set your notifications to receive word about future Facebook Live broadcasts. We’re heading into our busiest month for Decision America Tour prayer rallies. During August, we will be praying in eight state capitals—Helena, Mont.; Boise, Idaho; Cheyenne, Wyo.; Augusta, Maine; Montpelier, Vt.; Albany, N.Y.; Boston, Mass.; and Providence, R.I. If you live in one of these states, I hope you will bring your friends, family members, and people from your church to join me and other Christians in prayer. If another state’s rally is closer or more convenient for you, feel free to join us there. Do you believe in prayer? Do you believe that God answers prayer? I sure do, and I won’t stop calling Christians across America to lift up their voices, to humbly repent on behalf of our nation, and to ask God to heal our land. “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16, NKJV). Thank you for standing with us. May God bless you—and may God bless America again. Sincerely, Franklin Graham P.S. I hope you will share these remaining prayer rallies with your friends and loved ones:
Feel Free to Call Step With Christ at 207-363-1775, First Christian Church of Kittery Point at 207-429-4021, or email Pastor Ron Witham with BGEA at rwitham@BGEA.org
Our most merciful God appears to already be answering our Spirit driven Prayers. Please remain Praying steadfast with fervor and zeal,
that He continues to heal our land and answer our heartfelt
Prayers for His paramount Intercession !
Extrapolated from Heb; 7 of NKJ , and alike most Christian Bibles.
I'm ever convinced He honors His promises.
I believe the same conviction lies in your hearts also !
Feel Free to visit Franklin's Tour Site, click here,.. DECISION AMERICA
PS- Check back often between now, and the Rally/Caravan, to find Caravan Rendez-Vous spots NORTH on 95. Please join!, and make Mainer's Eyes actually SEE the Love of Christ and Our Holy Spirit's
work in progress ! PROGRESS FOR the KINGDOM PROCESS ! amen! |