( Deacon Emeritus, Mr. Malcolm Foss, and Pastor Emeritus Reverend Dr. Wilbert D. Gough )
All are welcome to join in the Celebration of 150+ Years of Wisdom and Service
To First Christian Church, and God's Greater Church !
We would like to both Announce and Invite any and all interested individuals to Join us Sunday January 29th at 10 AM, as we enter a new chapter of our Church's long and historical blessing here on the beautiful Southern Maine Seacoast.
Please Join Us
As we Celebrate with
542 Haley Rd. Kittery Point, ME 03905
Please join us as we formally Install the well known and inspirational Reverend Dr. Wilbert D. Gough as our newly appointed ' PASTOR EMERITUS ' immediately following what thousands have come to consider 'one of his Treasure Trove of sermons.' ( many of the lives touched by pastor G., consider his Sermons worthy of their ' Bucket List ' as it may pertain to their walks with Christ ) ( Additionally, our Ministries favorite TENOR, and admirer of Pastor Gough will bless us with his Holy Spirit gift of Song within this day and sermon of Praise of Servants and Master ).
At the young age of 98 years, Rev. Gough has been an invaluable Teacher and Mentor to thousands of Christian followers, as well as Church Leaders who have sought formal Ministry training such as myself and many more!
Pastor Gough is a published author, having written the most excellent book entitled " Life Isn't Fair- But God Is ". The book is a wonderful compilation of select sermons drawn from Pastor's 70 years in the Pulpit.
Pastor has a Dual Doctorate from Eastern Baptist Seminary, as well as graduate degrees from Temple University School of Theology, and Burton Theological Seminary.
In addition to many high level Christian Leadership Conferences with the likes of Billy Graham, Zola Levitt and many others, He has served as Pastor at the following area churches: FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH of KITTERY POINT, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of HAMPTON, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of Kittery, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH of BRENTWOOD, TRINITY UNITED CHURCH of SEABROOK,
and YORK STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. Pastor Gough also blesses STEP WITH CHRIST MINISTRIES (an inter-church fellowship ministry) within a scriptural advisory role.
Dr. Gough has also been what we consider a Godly Ambassador to the Patriarchal role of 'Handing down the Faith'. ........ Pastor's son Donald followed in Dad's footsteps and also attended Eastern Baptist Seminary, where he faithfully served on it's Board of Directors for 25 years, ( 10 years as it's Chairman ), and, Pastor's Daughter Diane Fowler and Daughter In-Law Susan Gough are ALSO
seminary graduates ! ,........ ( feel free to attend my topic related guest sermon at First Christian Church next Sunday, Feb. 5th at 10 AM, where the message will be centered on ' Handing Down Our Faith with Family Fervor ' )
Additionally, First Christian Church will also honor long time member MR. MALCOLM E. FOSS, as we Install him as DEACON EMERITUS. Malcolm, a highly decorated World War II Veteran, ( currently actively serving FCC at the young age of 99 years, Malcolm has served the Church since moving to Kittery at age 12 !,....Yes,..... 87 Years of Service.) Mr. Malcolm Foss married long time F.C.C. member Ms. Marjorie Lewis at F.C.C. in 1945, and has served the Church in virtually every leadership role, inclusive of Sr. Deacon, Sr. Trustee, and when needed,.............. ' anything in the 'small' print '. Mr. Foss has been a personal inspiration to my own desire to serve, and has imparted his Godly wisdom to several of our Churches generational leaders and Christ Centered FAMILIES. ( A True Patriarch ! )
So, in closing, please feel free to join us as we celebrate over 150 Years of Service and Wisdom, Sunday, January,29th at 10 A.M. for Sunday Services led by Pastor Gough.
Immediately following service, feel free to join us for Coffee, Cookies, and Fellowship. First Christian Church of Kittery Point welcomes your presence at this 'Installation of Inspiration' , and New Chapter within God's Greater Church.
Feel free to call with any questions at 207-439-4021, or email bill.bayliss@aol.com .
Warm Blessings!
bill bayliss
Elder/Trustee, First Christian Church of Kittery Point Maine