My Dear Family in Christ,
It is with a heavy, yet Faithful heart that we ask your most 'Fervent' Prayers for
'Jonathan' , a partner
in Christ with our Friends in Fellowship at
NEXT LEVEL CHURCH . Our Brother in Christ suffered
a stroke while shoveling during the recent Snowfall. By the Grace of the Almighty, a neighbor came across our brother, having just fallen with affliction.
As I (pray) for Ministry and Church comprehension of '
The Power of Prayer ', as I do for God's entire ' Greater Church '. We very humbly request your Fervent and Heartfelt Prayer for Jonathan's
recovery, and for The Peace of Christ to fill the hearts of Jonathan's dear family during this very difficult season of their lives.
"Dear Father, we ask that You let Mercy, Peace, and Love be multiplied to Jonathan's
dear family" ....... (adapted,Jude 2)
" We ask you, Let Peace come to Jonathan, his Household, and all they have.
...( adapted, 1 Sam. 25.6 )
" Please bring health and healing to Jonathan and family, O Lord, and reveal to them the abundance of your Peace and Truth." ... (adapted, Jer. 33:6)
" I declare, o Lord, that You are my life and the length of my days. I Love You,
I choose to obey You. I cling to You." ...( Duet 30:20 )
PLEASE!, Join us in Holy Spirit driven Prayer for Jonathan's recovery, for his dear Family to have the ' Strength of the Son ', and for the congregation of Next Level Church
whom so very dearly love Jonathan and Family.
WE TOO ARE WITH YOU, Dear Jonathan !
With Holy Spirit Blessings!
We thank our Brother in Christ, Mark Cable for alerting us to this need for Prayer.
Please feel free to leave any Prayer Requests in the comment section of the blog, or simply email us at the address listed on our Home Page.
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With tidings of every Godly blessing!