Please Join Us For Our First Annual
( Monday, September 23rd )
As our humble group of christian students continues to grow through the ' God sent Faith Blessing ' of Reclaiming our Faith's Hebrew Roots, our excitement for the 'Treasures' being 'revealed' to us continues to grow by the second !
After experiencing the recent One New Man conference with my brother & messianic mentor Rabbi Henry ( The Great Benafuchi ) Morse of Sha'ar Hashamayim in Stoughton, MA., (a 'life/ministry changing' experience which I will post about over this weekend) , Daniah & Joe Greenberg of TLV Bible Society , Joel Chernoff the Secretary General of MJAA and the ' pioneering ' messianic band LAMB, and several other Jewish & Gentile believers, I can say with complete and convicted honesty that G_d ..........or, Adonai ! , most certainly appears to be ' Doing a New Thing !'
and, I certainly feel like One New Man !
Indeed ! we're finding out that by recalling our roots ' The Bible has become NEW again '..amen !
Indeed ! we're finding treasure after treasure with this new 'hebrew lens' , ... and it is bringing us deeper and closer to our Savior and Creator than we ever even dared to imagine !
Indeed ! we're now more clearly seeing 'WHY' this 'Jewish Jesus' said 'WHAT' He said ! ...Aha !
Indeed ! we're now much more often saying, ............... Aha !!! , ' Now I Get It ! ' or, ........
' So, if that means this, then thats why this particular prophet warned against that !,.
and if So n So said this, ... than that's why we're supposed to..... yada yada yada !
and if So n So said this, ... than that's why we're supposed to..... yada yada yada !
( I hope you can creatively decipher this last 'Indeed' analogy )
this can happen by simply understanding the Jewish context of this Jewish Book written by Jewish authors, for a very predominantly Jewish audience, about a Jewish people group and a Jewish Messiah ! ,.... who would RECONCILE the WORLD ' back ' unto Himself
when He SOON Returns to, ............................ Y-E-S !
JERUSALEM, the capitol of ISRAEL
WoWza ! ....... ' There's SO Much More ! ' , said one seminary student.
What would you say if I were to tell you that you're leaving much of your 'Kingdom Inheritance'
If your answer is ' TELL ME MORE ! '
as our Lord Yeshua so eloquently said, ....... ' FOLLOW ME '... (him)
As Gentiles or Christians, many will say we don't 'need' to celebrate these Feasts.
What I would initially make you aware of is how ' VERY' much more the celebrations themselves reveal about both ' YESHUA ' and the BIBLE MESSAGE. And how greatly the feasts reveal the very character of G_d Himself. So whether or not you personally celebrate the Lord's Feasts,
the great impact of at very least 'studying' the feasts will greatly BLESS you, and deeply Bless your further understanding of SCRIPTURAL MESSAGES as well as our Creator and Savior.
I Pray you will join us for this wonderful gesture from Rabbi Henry, as he and I continue to work 'Together' as Jew & Gentile to UNITE our dis-arrayed ecclesia through the edification and fellowship of G_d's 'entire ' TRUTH of His Messianic Salvation Plan.
Come join us for a Seminar on the Fall Feasts.
The Biblical Holy days found in Lev 23 are Prophetic pictures of salvation fulfilled by Yeshua (Jesus), the Messiah of Israel and the world. Each and every one of them paints a perfect picture of His coming to earth bringing atonement the first time and His coming again to bring judgment. The fall feasts especially are so rich in prophetic display that all one needs to do to defend the Gospel is share the Holy days to see that picture revealed.
Messianic Congregation Sha’ar Hashamayim in Stoughton MA will be conducting our 4th annual Pastoral seminar on the fall feasts Mon, September 23rd starting at 10:00 AM. This event will be specifically dealing with the subject of understanding the fall Feast and there prophetic display. This Seminar is for Pastors their wives and leadership. Come join us and learn about the Levitical Fall Feasts and how they were fulfilled by Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah.
The conference will be conducted by Messianic Rabbi Henry M. Morse
Henry M. Morse is an ordained Messianic Rabbi with a degree in Bible and Theology from Central Bible College in Springfield, MO. He was raised as an orthodox Jew in Mattapan. He has been in full time ministry for over thirty-seven years; serving as youth minister, evangelist, missionary and congregational leader. Henry has ministered in over twenty countries and forty-five states. Currently, Henry lives in Stoughton, MA, with his wife Cherri. He has 11 grand-kids.
Henry was ordained a Messianic Rabbi, by the congregation Kehilat She'ar Yashuv, Dec. 30, 2000. This congregation was affiliated with Chosen People Ministries. Previous to that he was credentialed with the Assemblies of God and Jews for Jesus. He left both of these ministries in good standing. He is the founding Rabbi of congregation Sha'ar Hashamayim in Stoughton MA. He has served there for 17 years
There will be a light continental breakfast and full lunch provided. Rabbi Henry will also be giving out his book (The Lord Chose…Who!) to all who attend. You can find out more about the congregation and his book at,
The Schedule will be as follows
10:00 AM. Gather for continental breakfast and introduction to the Seminar.
10:30 AM. 1st session, Rosh Hashanah (Yom Teruah) and the 2nd coming.
11:30 AM. 2nd session Yom Kippur and the Atonement of the Lord.
12:30 PM. Lunch.
1:15 PM. 3rd session, Sukkot (Tabernacles) and the 1000-year reign of Messiah.
2:15 PM Wrap up, Questions and answer time.
The seminar is provided free of charge to all who attend. There will, however, be a free will offering in
the form of a box placed in the corner for anyone who might feel led to help defray the cost of the
seminar. There will be no plate passed around for the solicitation of funds. The address of the seminar
is 2 Canton St Suite A21 Stoughton MA 02070. The deadline for registration is Friday Sept 20th. All
notes for the seminar will be sent out in an email for you to print out and bring with you. You
must register in advance via email so we can accommodate all who come. Please come casual, bring
the notes and notepad and pen. My cell number is 508-944-7393 if you would like to call and ask me
anything about the seminar. If you have a pastor that you can forward this to it would be greatly
appreciated. We look forward to hosting you.
📷 Shalom uvracha b'Yeshua (Peace and blessings in Yeshua) Messianic Rabbi Henry M. Morse and Congregation.