Saturday, December 5, 2015

Shalom Shabbat/Invitation

Shabbat Shalom Family!
If you were to stroll a street in any Jewish neighborhood, any time between sunset on Friday through Saturday sunset, you will notice Jews wishing eachother an enjoyable Shabbat! , which if unfamiliar is the Jewish worshiper's Day of Rest. So !, Shalom Shabat to our Jewish brothers and especially our
partners at The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews  Click here for link to our partners  .  Let us never forget GENESIS 12:3, which is a Promise of God to " Bless those who bless Israel ". These trying days for our Brother's and Sister's are challenging to say the very least, and seem very reflective of End Day scripture. PLEASE remember them in your prayers!

Although ( I ) can't sing a lick ( not one of my own Holy Spirit Gifts ), my heart indeed sings out blessings to Israel. So, we've found a beautiful child of Christ. Let us share her Holy Spirit Gift of song with you and our family in ISRAEL.

Many, many apologies for not alerting you earlier BUT, ...............
TOMORROW  DEC. 6th at 10:00 A.M. Service at FIRST  CHRISTIAN CHURCH of Kittery Point, we are blessed to be honored with a GUEST  MUSICAL APPEARANCE by renowned seacoast Tenor MR. NATHAN COX. Unlike myself, The Holy Spirit Gift of Song was indeed endowed to our good friend Nate. As a matter of fact, I believe he may have a double portion, or as our own Pastor Gough would say , ....NATE My Friend , ...You are indeed DOUBLY  BLESSED !

Although last minute my friends, if you've not seen Nate in a public venue elsewhere, I tell you it is well worth your time. We pray you might be able to join us at The Little Church, With A Big Heart 
First Christian Church can be located at:
542 Haley Road (@ 2 mi. down the Dunkin Donut's Rd. on rt.
10:00 A.M.

Now, For Our Heartfelt Gift of Song
Blessings in Ruach ha Qodesh
(The Holy Spirit)  

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