Thank You for bearing with me while I re-wrote, my twice re-written Announcement and Invitation to participate in our Inter-Church Ministry's next BIG Kingdom Work event, which we are Blessed to present with our dear brothers and sisters at Maine's First and Only Messianic (Christ Believing) Synagogue , ......Kehilah Portland, shepherded by Messianic Rabbi Stephen Luft.
'We Are Bound Together by the Task We Have Before Us !'
( Please Consider Joining Us )
for Yeshua/Jesus
The Holy Scriptures in both the Tanakh (Old Testament), as well as the Brith Hadoshah (New Testament) are filled with complex passages that are often difficult to understand. With each passing generation we have seen an increasing 'lack of understanding' regarding the 'Jewishness of Jesus.' (the Messiah spoken of in the Hebrew Scriptures.) When scripture refers to a custom or expression that is foreign to us, causes us to either gloss over it or attempt to interpret it through our own frames of reference. All too often this results in a misinterpretation, and losing the True Meaning of phrases, and leads to an incorrect understanding and therefore loses the true meaning of the Scriptural passage. The danger of such practices have led to incorrect understanding when it comes to Adonai/God's Redemption Plan, and our paramount roles for both Jew and Gentile as they pertain to the acharit-ha yamim, the end of days, for which Yeshua/Jesus tells us to be aware of the Signs and Times !
Hebraic thought, language, and culture,
are inseparable from scripture !
......Wilhelmien van Nieuwnhuizen
Please consider joining us this August (date forthcoming)
As We Glorify God through our Festival of Faith and Revival Rally
of 'The Roots of our Faith'
(tentatively named)
Mystery Israel
' One in Messiah '
A Revival Rally for Jew & Gentile
All are welcome to attend our first 'Vision Casting Meeting' scheduled for Wednesday April 11, 2018. Between 5:30 and 6:00pm, at First Parish Church in York Maine.
We would highly value participant voices as we meet to 'firm up' this exciting day of
Worship, Faith, and Revival !
'We were born for such a time as this'
Step With Christ Ministries, .... feel free to call with ?'s at 207-363-1775
' Let Us Together '
" Sound the Shofar in Zion and sound the alarm:
let all the inhabitants of The Lord tremble:
For the Day of The Lord commeth, it is nigh at hand "
......... Joel 2:1
' For I would not, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own conceits: that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the
Fullness of the Gentiles has come in.
And so all Israel shall be saved (Rom. 11:25)
'the fullness of the Gentiles' has come in refers to the yielding of Gentile believers
to Adonai/God's will. The result of this will ultimately be the Salvation of Israel.
The Roman Empire, during the first century CE, experienced a paradigm shifting, foundation rattling transformation, whose epicenter originated in Jerusalem. This paradigm shifting, foundation rattling transformation was the Gospel, whose origin was then and is today Jewish.
"For I am not ashamed of the Good News, since it is God's powerful means of bringing salvation to everyone who keeps on trusting, to the Jew especially, but equally to the Gentile. For in it is revealed how God makes people righteous in his sight; and from beginning to end it is through trust — as the Tanakh puts it, "But the person who is righteous will live his life by trust." Romans 1:16 - 17
The Power of Adonai is manifested through the Gospel message. The Gentile role in the Gospel is in part to provoke the Jewish people to jealousy. We witness this responsibility conveyed through Sha'ul's (Paul's) letters. One such powerful promise of the Gospel is the return of Messiah.
Though Father God/Adonai calls Gentile believers in Messiah to be instruments of His love toward Israel ( see Rom. 11:11) , Paul was concerned that these Roman believers might misunderstand God's will, and 'unintentionally' become the pawns of satan. Since the return of Messiah depends on the Jewish people believing on Yeshua/Jesus, (Matt23:29; Acts 3;19-21 ) Satan's goal is to destroy Israel before Israel as a Nation can believe in Messiah and be saved ( Zech. 12:10, 13:1 ). When Messiah does return, satan will be bound ( Rev. 20;1 ), and knowing his fate, satan's tactic today is to get believers to lead self absorbed lives, rather than God-dependent lives - rendering us ineffective for God's purposes as designed by Him in His redemption plan.
Gentiles 'must' understand these Mysteries of Israel
otherwise ignorance produces arrogance, and that results in disobedience to The Will of God.
Please consider coming together with our Messianic Jewish brothers and sisters in Yeshua/Jesus,
That we might encourage this generation to be aware of
Prophetic Fulfillment, to live expectantly in Messiah, and to be ready for His imminent return
Help us to portray the Roots of our Faith,
and to demonstrate how Old Testament Scriptures foretell
the New Testament Gospel !
And again, should you like to somehow participate in this 'Kingdom Needed Event,' or be involved in our upcoming event VISION CASTING MEETING, please join us Wednesday April 11th at 6 PM,
And again, should you like to somehow participate in this 'Kingdom Needed Event,' or be involved in our upcoming event VISION CASTING MEETING, please join us Wednesday April 11th at 6 PM,
WHERE ?....... First Parish Church, York St. York Maine
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