Signs, Times, and End Time Prophecy
Blessings Brethren !
Just when you think you've seen the most heinous of abominations in today's world, it is quickly surpassed by an act even more egregious and even further from ' The Way ' and Godly living.
What an appropriate time to gather together and begin to re-acquaint ourselves with the critical ' Hebrew Undertones ' within the Bible's many ' end time prophecies. Please watch for our announcement for a Kingdom Critical Inter-Church Bible Study covering End Time Prophecy and the deep Hebrew undertones which provide ' Startling Clarity ' of both Jewish & Christian end-time Kingdom Roles.................. ( bible study announcement expected to post by week's end ! )
humbly His,
Breaking News Updates - May 16, 2019 |
From the Creators of the best selling "The Star Of Bethlehem DVD" comes a fascinating look geophysical investigation into the evidence around the earthquake that split the temple veil in Jerusalem at the time of the crucifixion. |
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