Monday, May 28, 2018



Please Join Us


A Roots of Our Faith Conference and Revival Rally
A Revival of the Messianic Jewish & Christian Brotherhood
September 15th, 2018
Stratham, NH Cooperative Middle School
10:00 AM- 8:00 PM

Shalom Dear Brethren !

As most of you are aware, we here at Step With Christ Ministries have been hard at work with not only
our Christian Church Partners, but very importantly also with our Yeshua/Jesus Believing Messianic Jewish family. Praise Adonai !
In an effort to strive toward Kingdom Unification and the Joint Priesthood spoken about by Paul/ Sha'ul
that is necessary to carry out The Great Commission and to provoke the Jew to Jealousy, we've planned to begin the conversation of ' Coming Together ' through a New England based Revival Rally and Faith Feast recently renamed ....... 


How can a Hebraic Lens help us carry out our Great Commission ?

How can knowing about ancient Jewish idioms, traditions, and culture deepen our personal relationships with Yeshua / Jesus ?  How can Christian and Jewish believers and readers of the Holy Bible better understand Scripture passages by being sensitive to our shared Messiah's Hebrew heritage?

In Robby Gallaty's book  ' The Forgotten Jesus ', he explains how Yeshua / Jesus was a Jewish man who was raised in a Jewish culture, reared by devout Jewish parents, and whom lived in accordance with Jewish laws.  Jesus Himself regularly attended the Jewish Synagogue on the Sabbath, participated in every Biblical Feast, studied and memorized Scriptures, ( the Torah, or as Christians know it, the
Old Testament, which were the ONLY Scriptures in existence during His time in the flesh.), and began His ministry at the age of 30 -- all of this in accordance with the Jewish customs of the day. 

Now! Please allow me to make something very clear. We are certainly in NO WAY attempting the deception of converting Christians to Judaism. ...................... LORD FORBID !
As a matter of fact, or as a matter of His Kingdom Plan, both Jew and Gentile have very inter-dependent and vital roles in Adonai's Kingdom Plan.
It is simply suggested that these 'Jewish' elements reveal something ' MORE ' about our Messiah that we as Gentiles, or, .... the Nations, may tend to overlook. In doing so, we run the risk of missing 'important implications' from the context of Jesus' life and Ministry that help to see and know our Messiah and His Divine Kingdom Plan better, clearer, and more concisely. 

Alike the above mentioned author, I believe that we'll never attain the full understanding of Yeshua's ministry without understanding the culture into which He arrived and ministered in.  Likewise with the Scriptures Jewish Authors, and their initial audience.
Reading the Bible through or along with a Messianic lens enhances our understanding of the ' why ',
behind the 'what ' of Yeshua / Jesus' actions and words. 
Understanding the context of Jesus' life will help us to see familiar passages in a new and brighter light,
further uncovering nuances and providing a depth of clearer understanding. Some passages may now seem to be somewhat confounding to many stalwart Christians that may be a bit unfamiliar with
The Jewishness of Jesus. ' Let's make an effort to clarify the Word of God.'

As I have so often mentioned in my writings and sermons, ... ' when I add the Hebraic Lens to my Christian based knowledge, I am  able to more clearly comprehend the Signs and Times, and
God's / Adonai's Divine Kingdom Plan. In keeping with an analogy we may all better understand,
' learning about the Jewish Roots of Christianity is like transforming a Black & White understanding of Scripture into an understanding of Vivid Living Color !

In closing today's post, I would like to reflect on a synopsis of  ( ROMANS 11 v. 12, 15 )

Now if Gentiles were enriched because the chosen people of Israel turned down God / Adonai's
offer of Salvation through His only begotten Son, Yeshua / Jesus, think of how much greater a blessing the world will share when they finally accept Him ...... for since their rejection meant that Adonai offered Salvation to the rest of the world, their eventual acceptance will be yet even more WONDERFUL !
It will mean LIFE for those whom were DEAD.

To the Glory of God, and in honor of His Divine Kingdom Plan

Psalm 145:4
' One Generation Will Praise Your Works To Another '

And Very Importantly !


Saturday, May 19, 2018

"The Forbidden Chapter" in the Hebrew Bible - Isaiah 53

Another 'pre' Revival Rally Messianic Manna Morsel !

Shalom Brethren !

And Shabbat Shalom to our Messianic Family. As we do on many Saturdays, my wife Donna and I enjoy the peace we find in immersing ourselves into the study of God/Adonai, Yeshua/Jesus,
and the Messianic Jewish Roots of our faith. As I've mentioned previously,...... ' when I look at the Bible through the messianic lens I am acquiring, it's like taking a Black & White movie, and introducing COLOR !  And face it , .... a picture indeed can paint a thousand words. ..... Ameyn!

If even one of you sticks with this  subtitled 8 minute video, I believe I will have done my job, as your life in the Messiah will indeed be touched with the reality of what is happening in the Kingdom, when it comes to 'Growing The Remnant' , Provoking the 'non-believing Jews to jealousy' and the state of God's Kingdom Redemption Plan !
Truly ! This Video will Touch your journey.
( and as a note, be sure to check back often as we will shortly be announcing the very special nationally recognized venue for our upcoming Fall Revival Rally with our Messianic Family!)

Monday, May 7, 2018

More Messianic Manna Morsels !

Shalom Family !

I pray your day is as Sunny & Beautiful as it is today here By the Bay, in beautiful York,Maine.
A day like this fills me with the Joy of Yeshua/Jesus and has prompted me to share some more
Messianic Manna, with you !

Enjoy today's 'hebraic wordwealth' word of TESHUVA !
With Prayer that we all Turn from Worldly Ways before our upcoming Revival Rally this Fall.

Teshuva A Hebrew word for: "To turn from the way you were going and return to God for healing, forgiveness, and instruction in righteousness." Return to God YHVH & magnify God alone and be fed on divine wisdom.

An 'Article of Edification' from Chosen People's Ministry' Dr. Mitch Glaser
( as seen in the May Zola Levitt Ministries Newsletter )
Please Pray for our Friends at Chosen People Ministries !  Specifically that they may
join us to share their Kingdom Wisdom with us at our Fall Rally

Shavuot / Pentacost

The Feast of Weeks, known to Christians as Pentacost and to Jews as Shavuot, is one of four Spring Festivals, and one of the Three Jerusalem pilgrimage Festivals. Shavuot is called 'Pentacost' for the Greek term meaning '50', as the Lord instructed that this fourth spring festival be observed on the 50th day AFTER PASSOVER.  (Lev. 23:15-16)

Biblically, to observe Shavuot, Jewish Men would sacrifice in the Temple - presenting as offering of grain, two loaves, a bull, a ram, a male goat, and two male lambs- for sin, sacrifice & peace offerings.
In 70 AD, Jewish tradition associated Shavuot with the giving of the Torah (Mosaic Law) on Mount Sinai.
During His time on earth, Jesus fulfilled the first of the Lord's Seven Feasts:  PASSOVER was fulfilled by the death in the Lamb of God, UNLEAVENED BREAD by His sinless Character,
and FIRSTFRUITS by His resurrection. SO, now we must ask ourselves this question :
 " How was SHAVUOT (Pentacost) fulfilled during the First coming of Yeshua/Jesus ?

The 120 Disciples (Acts 1:15) were in one place, in one mind, Praying and focusing on God's work. They were waiting in obedience to the command of Yeshua/Jesus (Acts 1:4-5) and also in obedience to the laws of Shavuot regarding 'NO  WORK' (Lev. 23:21). Many were pilgrims who had left their homes in other places to be part of this festival.
God would bless their obedience now in a powerful way. After some days of their own waiting, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit fell upon the Disciples on the 50th day after Passover!
The initial giving of the Torah by Moses at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19), likewise a NEW REVELATION, is also celebrated on Shavuot/Pentacost.

Today we remember not only the Signs & Wonders of Sinai, but the giving of the Holy Spirit and the oneness of the body of Messiah, comprising both Jewish and Gentile Believers UNITED in Faith. WHAT a WONDERFUL UNION to CELEBRATE !!!

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Shalom Brothers and Sisters !
Are You Ready ?

Are we ready for the imminent return of our Lord and Savior ?
as we await final venue approval for our New England Revival Conference
with our Jewish Believing brothers & sisters,

Here's a bit of ' Messianic Manna ' to contemplate
Please continue to Pray for the 'lost sheep' of Israel and those of The Nations !
' Let's Unite in The Way '