I pray your day is as Sunny & Beautiful as it is today here By the Bay, in beautiful York,Maine.
A day like this fills me with the Joy of Yeshua/Jesus and has prompted me to share some more
Messianic Manna, with you !
Enjoy today's 'hebraic wordwealth' word of TESHUVA !
With Prayer that we all Turn from Worldly Ways before our upcoming Revival Rally this Fall.
An 'Article of Edification' from Chosen People's Ministry' Dr. Mitch Glaser
( as seen in the May Zola Levitt Ministries Newsletter )
Please Pray for our Friends at Chosen People Ministries ! Specifically that they may
join us to share their Kingdom Wisdom with us at our Fall Rally
Shavuot / Pentacost
The Feast of Weeks, known to Christians as Pentacost and to Jews as Shavuot, is one of four Spring Festivals, and one of the Three Jerusalem pilgrimage Festivals. Shavuot is called 'Pentacost' for the Greek term meaning '50', as the Lord instructed that this fourth spring festival be observed on the 50th day AFTER PASSOVER. (Lev. 23:15-16)
Biblically, to observe Shavuot, Jewish Men would sacrifice in the Temple - presenting as offering of grain, two loaves, a bull, a ram, a male goat, and two male lambs- for sin, sacrifice & peace offerings.
In 70 AD, Jewish tradition associated Shavuot with the giving of the Torah (Mosaic Law) on Mount Sinai.
During His time on earth, Jesus fulfilled the first of the Lord's Seven Feasts: PASSOVER was fulfilled by the death in the Lamb of God, UNLEAVENED BREAD by His sinless Character,
and FIRSTFRUITS by His resurrection. SO, now we must ask ourselves this question :
" How was SHAVUOT (Pentacost) fulfilled during the First coming of Yeshua/Jesus ?
The 120 Disciples (Acts 1:15) were in one place, in one mind, Praying and focusing on God's work. They were waiting in obedience to the command of Yeshua/Jesus (Acts 1:4-5) and also in obedience to the laws of Shavuot regarding 'NO WORK' (Lev. 23:21). Many were pilgrims who had left their homes in other places to be part of this festival.
God would bless their obedience now in a powerful way. After some days of their own waiting, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit fell upon the Disciples on the 50th day after Passover!
The initial giving of the Torah by Moses at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19), likewise a NEW REVELATION, is also celebrated on Shavuot/Pentacost.
Today we remember not only the Signs & Wonders of Sinai, but the giving of the Holy Spirit and the oneness of the body of Messiah, comprising both Jewish and Gentile Believers UNITED in Faith. WHAT a WONDERFUL UNION to CELEBRATE !!!
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