Dear Brethren,
The short video above which is produced by our Brother in Christ and likely foremost Christian Apologist here in the human realm ( Ravi Zacharias ) is what we believe will be a good ' primer ', for today's post.
Please Enjoy, and as a reminder we do have a link to RZIM (Ravi), on our home page.
Brethren, we Thank those of you whom have chosen to follow our " Encroaching Darkness " study series which is comprised of bi-daily posting through the month. Again, we pray it touch your hearts in any small way that will bring you closer to life in Christ.
As you likely determined, Wednesday's post was largely comprised of my 'venting' with a somewhat forward Evangelistic response to the encroaching darkness that appears to be playing out across the world today, and perhaps leading the way is OUR country whose moral values were at one time founded in the Truth of God's word.
Being a mere man, I felt compelled to ' air out the dirty laundry ' of what many are beginning to perceive as WARNING SIGNS pointed out in Holy Scripture.
In a post a couple of weeks back, we spoke briefly about our intersecting paths to The Kingdom, and directions oft times being driven by God Planned Co-Incidences to which one blog follower tagged the correct word to be God Incidences, which I thought was appropriate. But Brothers n' Sisters,.doesn't the fact and logic directs that the closer we walk with Christ, the happier we become?
We can CREATE these God Incidences just by remaining in the Faith. We CAN!,....but now we MUST burn twice as brightly. Not only remain closely in the faith as a BEACON, but to also reach out and grab as many lost or misguided sheep as we can on the way. ( these points seem to be brought out in Jude's writings )
I guess what I'm saying is that I truly Believe that the direction of today's world requires us to
Step Up !, ... Now!
The latest God Incidence put before me is that as the encroaching darkness that has unfolded over the past 30 days or so, happened to co-incide with a thorough Bible Study of the Book of Jude. How appropriate for the time! This my friends is indeed a God Incidence. The word, sent at the very exact time it was needed. Indeed He is our sufficiency! And, allow me to profusely thank the Thursday Night Bible Study Group. A God Centered group of 20+ dedicated Christians from 5 local Churches whom for years have been meeting to Fellowship and study scripture in the name of God.
As history certainly repeats itself, a logical man and a man in Christ could easily look at the world condition and compare the dire need to contend for The Faith quickly and seriously as JUDE warned us.
" Hey Jude ! "
How may we as God fearing lovers of Christ and His Way, respond in an effective way that is pleasing to the Father ( Elohim )?. How can we make a measurable difference before the persecution of Christianity proceeds to a point where we cannot positively affect it?
Well, I for one believe that the conditions under which Jude was compelled to to write his Holy message is eerily comparable to current issues of the world, our country, and our western churches.
I don't think it to be odd at all that this 'small' Biblical book is so heavy in it's content. I see it as a Holy Spirit driven warning that is clear, concise, and to the point.
Packing a very powerful and direct message into only 25 verses, Jude points out spiritually inspired warnings and directions that have spoken across centuries and even as though it was written in the past 30 days!
* Although the compilation of the Bible's 66 books is not necessarily written in a chronologically precise fashion,is it not perhaps a God Incidence that these warnings of grave concern happen to precede the end times noted in the final book, ... The Book of Revelation ?
" Never in the history of the Church has the Body of Christ
been so willing to sacrifice the Truth for the sake of misguided unity.
Because of this Compromise,
she shall have neither. "
I won't consume your time with descriptions and examples of Apostasy and Gnosticism pointed out in Jude's writing. (I will leave that to your review). I will however touch on the point that Jude fiercely cautions early Christians to be aware of outright heresy in the teachings of some Churches, which depart from The True Faith. Teachers of the day ( and today ) were wandering from the clear word of God to promote various 'brands' of Christianity. These variances consisted of faulty interpretations of the Word of God. This incited an " Out of The Word " unity based in worldly ways and sins of the flesh. It certainly divided houses. I reflect on my personal O.T. hero of prophecy, Isiah. Isiah justly points out that " A house divided against itself will surely fall ". A sobering thought is it not? During my own families search for a Home Church, we were able to experience the TRUTH of this first hand. It is indeed a heart-breaking and soul-shaking experience.
* when you have time, I very highly suggest you read the Franklin Graham article titled " The Danger of Compromise ". Please find a link to this article here, ...
As I begin to close out today's rather lengthy post, let me point out Jude's Seven Challenges to Christians of the day, in defense of the faith.
1- Earnestly contend for the Faith (v.3)
2- Remember the teachings and warnings of the Apostles (v.17)
3- Build yourself up in the Most Holy Faith (v.20)
4- Pray in the Holy Spirit (v.20)
5- Keep yourselves in the Love of God (v.21)
6- Look to the mercy of the Lord to bring you to eternal life (v.21)
7- Show mercy to Christians who doubt, snatch unbelievers from the fire, and very cautiously show mercy to the corrupt (vv.22-23)
A Quick Prayer in Closing
Dear Father ( Elohim ),
We offer thanksgiving for the Holy Roadmap of Life, your Holy Word, the Holy Bible. We thank you for assigning your Spirit inspired word to your servant Jude. We pray you help to provoke our indwelling Spirits to absorb Jude's direction in our hearts, so that we may Shine Brighter in the Way of Jesus, that we may portray and convey the TRUTH of your word through every days deeds.
We pray you give us the strength " To Burn with The Zeal of Jude ", so that we may become effective
" Defenders of The True Faith ".
May we carry uncompromising love for You and the TRUTH of your word and commands. May we endure in the Joy of Jesus as we carry out " The Great Commission ", until you call us home.
We pray this with love in the name of our Savior, Christ Jesus (Yeshua)
* Please join us Sunday as we continue the " Encroaching Darkness ' series with a compelling Sermon taken from the book ( Life isn't Fair, But God Is ! ) of our Adviser to Sound Doctrine,
Reverend Dr. Wilbert D. Gough.
May The Joy of Jesus Burn in Your Hearts!
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